Design Tables

The actual magnitude of the structural design factors including the effective stiffness factor and the overstrength adjustment factors can be determined only after the detailed design of the BRB is completed. However, the following technical sheet and design tables have been prepared for the structural designers to estimate the BRB expected maximum tensile and compressive strengths for preliminary design. They can also be used to obtain the approximate casing size and the connection dimensions for different configurations, geometries, and boundary conditions and look at which one seems to be suitable for your application. The design tables list the BRB properties up to the axial yield strength of 4600 kN and 12m long for common building applications. However, we are able to supply longer BRBs with larger axial yield strength on a project specific basis.

Brace On Demand

Brace On Demand (BOD) is an innovative, responsive cloud service, created by NCREE.

BOD provides up-to-date, on-demand BRB connection designs that meet seismic design requirements. It’s an easy-to-use, robust platform that allows engineers to quickly and accurately complete preliminary sizing of their BRB, gusset plate, and weld sizes. The results, including structural calculations in .txt and .xls formats, can be directly downloaded from BOD.